About Array

Array Education is an innovation studio that supports, connects, and invests in teaching and learning projects starting with early literacy and continuing through the strong launch of a young person’s career.


Our name and logo reflect the fact that the work of Array Education is rooted in two ideas:

Like an array

What and how we learn is a collection of independent yet interconnected experiences.

Like a ray

Education experiences have a clear starting point and no end.

Our inspiration and the double helix:

The projects we are inspired by, whether in K-12 or beyond, are designed to prepare young people to pursue paths of their choosing post high school.

Our post K-12 work is united by a recognition that as we age our educations and our careers are best described not as sequential stops in our lives but rather the double helix of our lives’ DNA.


Our partners:

Remarkable educators, entrepreneurs, dreamers, and champions fuel the success of projects we work on. If you are interested in learning more, have an idea you believe helps young people, or want to partner with us in other ways, please contact us at info@arrayeducation.org.